Sebastian Thies

This plugin is what every Jira admin dreams of! From copy-and-paste in workflows or reusable workflow functions (both extremely helpful if you use Add-ins like ScriptRunner) to renaming of live workflows, from comparison features for each and every type of scheme (and finding duplicates!) to scheme exports, from showing config ids ready for copy (instead of hovering over links and reading the id from the address) to good advice on field creation – you will never want to do without it anymore! The plugin ist completely invisible for normal users, but it can provide a readable workflow documentation that is always up-to-date. You can add the URL of this documentation to the project shortcuts in Jira or to your Confluence sites. The support for this add-in is unbelievably quick and solved a rather esoteric problem with invalid references to deleted fields in our screens in less than a day! Fantastic!